Lewiston Bodyrubs (0 results)
Frequently asked questions
Is it okay to get a massage daily?
It totally depends on the massage technique being used. If it is a gentle and quick massage then there is no problem.
Do I have to be completely naked?
You have complete freedom on what you want to wear.
What if I just want certain part of a massage and not the whole process?
You can always ask your therapist for this beforehand.
Can I get massage at home?
Yes, you can ask for outcall massage for this.
Is it okay to take shower right after massage?
No, it is not advised to take shower right after.
Can massage cause a pinched nerve?
Yes, it can. If it is not done professionally/properly.
How long does it take for a massage?
It can take from 30 minutes to an hour or two.
What if I don’t want anything intimate?
A massage therapist never does anything without your consent.
Can I get a massage, if I’m on periods?
Yes, you can. Massage helps with good blood flow.
Do you take shower after massage or before it?
Hot shower before the massage is okay.